Luiz rocha karate

O Karate Combat realizará o primeiro evento em território árabe no dia 20 de abril, com a edição 45, em Dubai.
‘I was born to knock people out’: Weber Almeida hopes Karate Combat success leads to UFC deal Don't miss Karate Combat
Luiz Victor Rocha The year-old Almeida won five of seven under the Bellator banner in a span of four years, including four knockouts, and has since scored back-to-back stoppages at Karate Combat.
Karate Combat: KC39 .
  • Season 3 - EVENT 8 Fight Card
    1. Karate Combat - KC39 21K Followers, 5, Following, Posts - Luiz Victor Rocha (@luizvrocha) on Instagram: "84📍👇🏽Único Brasileiro da história👇🏽 🏆World Champion @karatecombat (/3KO) MMA .
      Login • Instagram Trata-se do brasileiro Luiz Rocha. Atual campeão dos leves (até 68kg), o atleta da Pitbull Brothers descerá até os galos (61kg) e desafiará o campeão Myrza Tebuev (Rússia). O .
      Karate Combat: Luiz Victor Rocha Karate Combat: Luiz Rocha vs Edgars Skrivers III | Full FightA rivalry since the start of our league is settled in the pit, Skrivers knocked Rocha out in Sea.
      Refund and Exchanges Campeão peso-leve (até 68 kg) do Karate Combat, Luiz Rocha já tem nova defesa de título agendada. No próximo dia 18 de setembro, o atleta da ‘ ’ colocará seu cinturão em jogo contra .

  • Almeida is looking for a big win Friday to cement his position as the No. 1 contender in the lightweight division, with Karate Combat champion Luiz Rocha and interim titleholder .
  • luiz rocha karate
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  • ANNOUNCEMENT: Event 2 of Karate Combat Season 4 Gets Its Line Up
  • In Karate Combat: Genesis he fought through a double tear to a near victory. In season 3, he KO'd his opponent by landing a body-kick with an injured leg. He claimed the KC .
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  • KC39 features Karate Combat's first Super-Fight winner, the KO-powered Lightweight Champion Luiz "The Pitbull" Rocha versus the electrifying challenger Bruno "The Tiger" Souza.